A Michigan Perspective for a Wall Street Discipline

It’s been a long time since successful investing required an office on Wall Street. Technology has played a big role, providing investors with much the same access and information as the major financial centers. But there is also a real benefit to being away from the trends and investment fads of Wall Street. You have a chance to step back and think about what really makes sense. For Jim Fydroski, this reflection resulted in the realization that in or near retirement, investors were losing far too much to market downturns. Traditional asset allocation strategies gave up too much of their gains to bear markets, and lost too much of the earning power of bull markets making up losses.

Looking for a better way to invest, Jim immersed himself in the discipline of active investment management. A decade of investment results with HAAS Financial Services, Inc. illustrates the benefits of this approach. Today, HAAS Financial Services has established itself as a leader in managing portfolio risk and return for investors throughout Michigan.

This focus, combined with a strong financial planning background, helps individuals save and invest for the future, and determine how best to use their assets in retirement.



Jim Fydroski brings an extensive financial background to Haas Fydroski Financial Services, from CFP® to Investment Advisor Representative, Registered Financial Consultant, Registered Financial Gerontologist, and more. He is widely recognized for his financial seminars and expertise in retirement investing.


InvestingFor Growth

As we travel through the various stages of life, we also face changing financial issues. For much of our lives, we are investing for growth. We may be seeking the ability to meet future needs, a major purchase, to start a new business, finance our children’s education and eventually to pay for our own retirement.



Retirement changes the game plan. Losses matter more. From accumulation, we move to strategizing how to generate income, withdrawal strategies and how Social Security and pensions will fit into our plan.



Sometimes, the money part is the easy part. It’s the other decisions that complicate life. At Haas Fydroski, we use our strong background in financial planning to help clients make better financial decisions, to build financial security through a balance of assets and insurance, and to plan for one’s eventual estate settlement.
